Discover Digital Marketing Trends and Boost Your Campaigns

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, and companies that stay ahead of emerging trends are the ones that get the best results. In such a dynamic environment, knowing the key statistics can make the difference between a campaign that fails and one that achieves extraordinary levels of success. Let’s take a look at some surprising statistics about digital marketing and find out how Lightspeed can help you leverage these numbers to improve your email, SMS and WhatsApp marketing campaigns.

Email marketing has an average ROI of 4200%

For every dollar spent on email marketing, the average return is about 42 euros. This makes email one of the most effective marketing tools, well ahead of social media or traditional advertising. But getting these numbers requires careful planning, personalization, and a clear understanding of your audience.

With Lightspeed, you have access to advanced automation and segmentation tools. Invia le email giuste, alle persone giuste e nel momento giusto, e vedrai un notevole miglioramento del tuo ROI.

90% of SMS are read within 3 minutes

SMS is an often overlooked communication channel, but the numbers speak for themselves: 90% of SMS are opened within minutes of receiving them, making them an ideal tool for flash promotions or urgent communications.

Lightspeed lets you combine email marketing campaigns with SMS, ensuring your communications reach your audience quickly and directly. With such high open rates, your chances of conversion increase dramatically.

Push notifications have an average open rate of 50%

Push notifications, mostly used in apps, are becoming increasingly popular for their ability to capture users’ immediate attention. With an average open rate of 50%, they are an effective tool to keep your audience’s attention high.

While Lightspeed focuses on email, SMS, and WhatsApp, you can integrate push notifications into your campaigns to maximize engagement. A solid multi-channel strategy allows you to engage your contacts more comprehensively and systematically.

52% of global web traffic comes from mobile devices

Mobile marketing is no longer a trend, it’s a necessity. With over half of web traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s essential that your campaigns are optimized for smartphones and tablets to ensure a seamless user experience.

Campaigns created with Lightspeed are optimized for all devices. Whether your contacts open an email on a desktop or read a message on a smartphone, the experience will always be flawless, improving engagement and increasing conversions.


75% of consumers prefer to receive communications via email

Despite the growing popularity of social media, 75% of consumers prefer to receive promotions, updates and offers via email. Email remains a key channel for maintaining customer relationships.

With Lightspeed, you can accurately segment your contact list and send personalized emails, improving open and click-through rates and keeping your audience engaged for the long term.

98% of WhatsApp messages are opened and read

WhatsApp is an incredibly powerful tool with a 98% open rate, making it one of the most effective channels for direct communications. More and more businesses are using it to interact with customers quickly and personally.

Lightspeed lets you manage WhatsApp campaigns integrated with email and SMS, ensuring your communications are as effective as they can be. Send promotions, offers and updates directly to your customers’ mobile devices and enjoy unmatched response rates.

70% of users make purchases based on emails received

Emails are not only a communication tool, but also one of the most powerful conversion engines. 70% of users have made a purchase based on an email received from a brand.

With Lightspeed’s advanced email marketing features, you can create tailored campaigns to drive sales, with effective calls to action and optimized design to drive conversion.

Segmented campaigns generate 760% more revenue than non-segmented ones

Not segmenting your audience is one of the most costly mistakes in digital marketing. Campaigns that use segmentation generate 760% more revenue than those that do not.

With Lightspeed, you can segment your contacts based on preferences, purchasing behaviors, or previous interactions. This way, every message you send will be highly relevant, increasing the effectiveness of your campaign and leading to more conversions.

Leverage Data to Optimize Your Campaigns

These statistics demonstrate how essential it is to use a well-structured digital marketing strategy to achieve excellent results. With Lightspeed, you have a powerful platform to manage email, SMS and WhatsApp marketing campaigns optimally, taking full advantage of current trends to improve your performance.

Want to learn how to grow your business Lightspeed is the perfect solution to transform data into concrete actions and measurable results.

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